Lit fic, or literary fiction, is the
reason no one likes reading anymore. Apart from a few nerds who dig ruffles
and skirts and glances across the parlor, no one reads books anymore
cause they all suck.
We can trace the origins all the way
back to Modernism. Or further back, all the way to the first Sumerian dude or dudette who put chisel to stone and tapped out his or her thoughts five
thousand years ago.
Writers got super into depicting the
'true' experience of being a human, what it is like to be alive. And they got
really good at it. An Englishwoman called Virginia Woolf and and
Irishman called James Joyce got really good at depicting existence, but it nearly killed them. Virginia Woolf ended up filling her pockets with stones and walking into a river. But they wrote some dope ass books
where they're trying to show what it's like to be in your head, going through your regular day.
That was in the 1920s. A couple decades
later, an American guy called Ernest Hemingway was killing it with
his seemingly simple writing about hunting, fishing, bullfighting,
war, drinking, fighting and fucking.
His writing looks simple. He doesn't
use many descriptive words and uses lots of short sentences. His dialogue is
killer, and his way of describing things made it seem like you were
watching a movie in your head. He had a crazy skill of choosing the
exact right word to make a clear picture in your
These were the main ideas to come out
of writing in the 20th century, and they were awesome.
They were such good ideas that people haven't felt like they needed
to find any new ones since. Describing what it's like to exist in the real
world is a pretty worthwhile goal, ain't it?
It's been done. You see, those names I
dropped, Woolf, Joyce, Hemingway, are not only the
creators of the biggest styles in the last hundred years, but they also did it the best.
Every writer since is writing in the
shadow of these giants. Everyone's imitating them, and some come close while others miss by a mile, but they're all following in
someone else's footsteps.
Fuck that.
Fuck Literary Fiction.
Let's find something new.