Friday, 17 January 2020

Fiction Makes You Better

Reading fiction makes you a better person.
You can measure it. The exact size of the book, that's how much you're better.
Every single page has worth. Some are more worthy than others, but none will leave you worse by the end.
It's hard, though, to read fiction and it's not encouraged.
Why read when you can stream/watch/play/scroll/message/shit/die/leave...
But there's a book out there with your name on it.
Every single person on the planet has a book that will change their fuckin life and turn them into lifelong readers.
Hardcore, seasoned readers can tell you straight away what their book was, the one that started their addiction.
Find that first hit and you'll ride a wave for the rest of your life, learning and developing your empathy to higher and higher levels you never coulda imagined.
Fiction helps you see the world through someone else's eyes. You're given a world, most of the time it's coherent with characters doing and saying rational things. Sometimes you're just watching what's happening like a movie. Other times you're in someone's head listening to their thoughts.
This means you can see what it's like to be anyone. Every type of person you can think of has written a book. There's no category not covered.
Even if that's not your intention or purpose, you'll stumble across different ways of seeing the world that make sense. It helps you see that your way of seeing the world is only one way of seeing the world.
It drives up your empathy and at the same time it develops your imagination.
People like you if you're empathetic and imaginative. Not because you do anything douchey, but because you treat them like a person.
They're hard skills to learn. Maybe because they're hard to teach. They're no right angles. They're abstract as fuck.
But that's what fiction's for. That's exactly what it's designed to do, to strengthen your imagination and your empathy.
Fiction makes you a better, kinder person, plus it helps you get all the shit you want. Win win muthafucka.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Heroes Make Us Who We Are

When I was a kid, I wanted to be James Bond so bad.
I had a card in my wallet that was a License to Kill. I pretended to be him every day in my summer vacation. When a new movie came out, I'd chew the seatbelt for the hour-long drive from our house in Bragg Creek to the Famous Players at West Hills Mall.
In grade 1, at our Dress-Like-The-Job-You-Wanna-Do-One-Day Day, I didn't wear a costume. Instead, I just told people I was gonna be a spy. Douche bag? Sure. But I was a dedicated douche bag.
I loved that dude and, in my six-year-old mind, I was gonna be him when I grew up.
Then I grew up. Along with my years, my childish naivety wore off. Being a spy wasn't a real thing. At least, being James Bond wasn't.
I coulda tried to become Pierce Brosnan, but I was never that into acting.
So away went the dream of being a spy. Eventually, I decided on becoming a doctor. That went out the window too, but that's a different story.
But who the hell knows what that did to my little-kid brain. How did James Bond affect my outlook on life?
Am I braver, stronger, smarter, and funnier?
Or am I more misogynistic, racist, arrogant, and dickheadish?
Think back to your hardcore heroes as a kid. It's easy to remember, they're the ones you wanted to be so bad it hurt.
Then think about how they made you who you are.
It's ain't so easy, but you'll start to see that a lotta them is you.

Friday, 3 January 2020

Words Set You Free

Learn the Word and you'll learn to harness the power of the world. Treat the word lightly and your reins will be made of paper, your bits of brittle clay. At the slightest tug, your ideas fall apart and you stand there, garbling like a baby.
Treat words with respect. They kill the irreverent every day. Thousands of people, many naive, many more arrogant, misuse, abuse, and confuse their words so their meaning's misheard or mistaken. Soon their head's on a spike beside a thousand other cunts who opened their mouths without thinking.
The Wonderful World of the Internet has given us a whole new way to wield our words. Like kids with new toys, we're smashing the shit outta things. There are no rules so we gotta make em up as we go. Words are the light revealing the darkness, revealing what can kill us or save us.
The best way to get yourself into a comfortable relationship with words is to read like a motherfucker. Read everything you can and sprinkle in a hefty dose of what other people call Good Books. If you don't like something, move on. But first, ask yourself if it's cause you're too dumb. You can always come back when you're a little less of a moron.
The power is in your hands. Master the word and you master the world.