Monday, 9 December 2019

Imagination is a Superpower

If you want to live long and prosper, make sure you get a goddamn good imagination. You'll die without one. If your imagination's weak, others will eat you.
Imagine your imagination is a wolf in a brain-sized cage. You gotta let it run or else it'll chew the bars.
There's plenty of trainers out there, pros from the past who've created exercises for the imagination. Read books. Watch TV. Look at art. Listen to music. There's a shitload of content out there that we can use to strengthen our imagination.
Or do it on your own. Next time you walk outta the strain station, imagine a fifty-foot praying mantis is coming round the corner. Next time you're waiting for a bus, you're actually CIA and the little old lady beside you's KGB.
Do whatever you gotta do to let your imagination run wild. It'll make everyday life awesome. You won't do it all the time, but the more you practice, the better you get.
Spend time strengthening your imagination and you'll see a whole new world.
A shining, shimmering, you know...


  1. You suggesting I go all Jason Bourne on some little old lady on the bus? JK. I get your overall point, though. Shining and shimmering. Great post.

  2. Just say you got amnesia when they come to arrest you...
