Thursday, 2 July 2020

A Life of Soft Complexity

Yesterday I stretched, went for two runs, and worked out twice. Now it hurts when I move my legs. It feels good though to be stiff and sore. I haven't done for months. That's not good for me. My life has become soft and complex and like Orwell says, it should be simple and hard.

I've had plenty of simple hard living, just not for a while. I miss it, labouring manually on a farm in Cumbria from dawn till dusk under the sun, clouds, and rain, eating plenty and sleeping sound. These last few years I've lived the soft complex life of a young urban professional.

So now I'm tryna work my way outta the complexity, back to the simple life. But I ain't going backwards. This is still progression, it's just taking account of some different metrics.

A simple life is where you look at a screen less than you look at the real world. Simple means waking up with the sun and going to bed with it too. Simple means thinking about one thing at a time. Simple means not checking your phone for days because you can talk to anyone you want – they're right there in the community. Simple means eating food straight from the land, not this weird conveyor belt system full of bleach and underpaid workers. Simple means living the majority of your life as people lived them for thousands of years, not how we've been able to for the past ten or twelve years.

Our civilization has changed through technology and we still have no idea what it means. We've had computers in the house for less than my lifetime and I still pretty much feel like a kid. Nah. Well, sometimes I do but mostly I feel like a soft complex adult who's thought too much and toiled too little.

It's obvious I don't get enough sun. What the fuck? As if that's a real problem. Thank you, Society, for providing me with such wonderful gifts and privileges, but fuck you for letting me become such a soft complex cunt.

I guess I can't blame you. There's no one to blame. Blaming never does anyone any good. What positive change can you make right now? Be nice to your neighbours. They're real people like you. Let the little and big things go. Try to improve yourself, not the world. Your actions right now ring through eternity. Immortality is within your grasp. Reach out and take it. So sayeth Saint Bradley of Pitt.

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