Let's wander off course for a while where we're not supposed to. Let's go over to the dark side, the one they don't want you to know exists. Take part with me, friend, in a revolution of love. Fuck simple reforms. We need chaos and rifts, upheavals, surges and waves, waves of love pouring down the streets, sweeping people offa their feet, bringing people together, everyone simply together.
We're living in unprecedented times, my friend. I mean who the fuck isn't? Isn't every life unique and brand spanking new? Or am I a rerun – has my movie been played a million times? No, but seriously, shit's fuckin fucked like we've never seen it in literally fifty or sixty years. But remember the 90s? Those halcyon days of simplicity and peace? Calm serenity lapped on the beaches of the millennium's childhood. For a little white kid growing up in Canada, the whole world seemed like a sweet glass of milk.
Well, my friend, the milk curdled, the smell soured; it tasted like sick in your mouth. The world changed one September day in 2001. Since then things have gotten a lot darker, especially in the last four, five years.
Then with this recent pandemonium, we've seen one of the greatest opportunities for love in a long time. We have so much love, brothers and sisters, and we gotta give it. Don't hold back love, not when it's needed. Just look outside. We need love more than ever.
With darkness comes light, with hatred, love. Which will you bring to the world?
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