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Feel disempowered? My friend, think again. You are the Almighty Consumer. Yours are the eyeballs their reports are all over. Yours is the thumb that swipes right. You are the USD, CNY and BTC. If you really wanna feel powerful, put your phone down and walk away.
Feel how freeing it is to not give a shit. Sure, phones are expensive, beautiful, shiny, fuckin magic little boxes that someone went and got from the future, but they're not more important than your wellbeing.
This is an intervention, my friend. We see you. We feel you. We love you. We want you to succeed. Your life in the Real World is waiting and we'll all be overjoyed when you choose to return.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by 1440 VR porn and haptic feedback controllers. Come on back to your life. We miss your laugh, your smile, your motherfuckin contributions. We've been sold this shit for too long, distractions and feints.
We need new ideas up in here. Where are our engineers, designers, architects, builders? Sitting in chairs looking at screens. Where are our teachers, managers, leaders? Sitting in chairs looking at screens. Where are our friends, brothers, sisters and parents? Sitting in chairs looking at fuckin screens.
It's not the screens that're bad. Look up 'Humanity's Devil' in the dictionary and you won't see an iPhone 12. What you'll get is the gnawing, clawing ego-fuelled imagination, trying its best to figure out this game we're all playing.
The internet is the greatest game we've ever created but it's fucking some of its players up sideways. We know some people get addicted to cigarettes, casinos, heroin and porn so why not social media? Anything that sends spikes of neurotransmitters rocketing around our brains seems highly addictive to some portion of the population.
Plus, right now, it feels like we're living through that same bullshit time where doctors were telling people which cigarette to smoke. The world's never seen such charlatanism, snake-oil-salesman, fuckin all-out-fake-news-lying-to-my-face bullshit than on the inner-fuckin-net.
Turns out human beings are a bunch of liars. Fuckin right we are. Comedians, jesters, storytellers, movie directors, we're all a bunch of liars, spinning yarns, trying to tell deeper truths, tryna reveal the truth in a truer sense of the word.
Anyone not pursuing truth for its own sake is trying to take your money. Beware the scammers, ads, phishing phucks, hackers and douchebags trying to make money as fast as they can, with as little effort, grace and integrity as possible.
Yes, it's a rat race. Yes, we all live in a giant game made up by our ancestors. Yes, we could all be dicks to each other but why? Why would we want some people to have everything while many people have nothing? In our heart of hearts we know many things have gone terribly wrong and need fixing.
You are the best person to fix the broken things near you. Let's fucking remember who's actually in charge here and fuckin pitch in and start helping each other. Fuck our leaders. They're inept, corrupt and cowardly cunts. They don't care about people and they aren't helping those who need it most.
'We need help,' cry the women and children. The Big Boss Man plays with his rockets. Our leaders fail us again and again. Let's exercise our civic power and responsibility and put them down for a while. Just like our phones let's stop looking at, listening to, and being distracted by those who do not have our best interests at heart.
There are so many people on this planet who love you. A fellow human being is a friend to all, I say. Come and join a global community of awesome, nice, friendly people who truly want you to succeed. The power belongs to the people, my friend. Come on; let's take it back.
I was born in a red room in a big creepy house way up in the top of its topmost tower. My room overlooked the mountains, forest and lake. The wolves howled with my mother that night. Her wound seemed mortal but then closed on itself and we hugged each other in that little red room.
Unbeknownst to either of us while we nuzzled and slept, demons cast lots for the very souls in our chests. War was coming. Of war, I knew nothing. I was doughy, chubby and cute. My soft skin knew nothing of swords, leather or armour. All I wanted was the nipple. The manna was my safety and sanctuary.
But then I was ripped from that breast and forced to swallow the dry bread of facts and harsh truths. I put on a suit made of expectations and tied a tie of social and civic duty around my neck. Civilization is a millstone around all of our necks, pulling our hopes and dreams down to Ground Level. That's okay. No, really, it's fine. Deffo it's worth the trade. No pain no gain, know what I'm sayin?
I want running water and streets without potholes. I want my bedside light to go on when I flick the switch and my juries to work when I'm accused of a crime. We got systems in place I can't understand but I can appreciate nonetheless.
That's one thing I've learned from the pandemic – there's systems supporting me like a cradle, like my motherfuckin mum suckling me at her breast. And just like then, I take it for granted.
I never said thanks to Big Pharma or Big State. I never thanked petrochemical companies, or Wall Street banks or the global supply chain. Who else? Social media and the rest of the internet. Goddamn, what would a pandemic have been like without internet or phones?
Anyway, my point is, to sum up, in conclusion, all I'm really trying to say is that there's no way of knowing what it's like in someone else's head so we might as well give up and try to live our best lives in our Solo Cubes of Comfort and Distraction.
Life within Reach, that's what we're going for, people. Best content ever created mainlined into your spine. Drink it up, buttercup. There's no resistance. This is manna from heaven, the body of Christ. This is the purest manifestation of all that is good in the universe. You and I are doing the Right Thing. We are on track. We are moving in the Right Direction here, people. Come on now; don't stop!
I'm saying this cause I believe it. I believe in nothing. I'm only a pen. I'm the pen of the people. I say what you make me say. Just you. Specifically you with the wide eyes and brain stem staring me down.
I see you. Eye to eye, spine to spine, soul to soul. I'm inside you. I creep around, mostly at night. I come out of the dark alleyways and underground parking lots. I'm in the sewer grates and the windows of the abandoned building across the street.
I am your imagination. I'm a demon possessing you. I'm stuck to your spine like some kind of parasite, a perverted miscarriage of evolution making you wrinkle your nose and pucker your lips in disgust.
Let's kick it up a gear, oh deer in the headlights. Feel the centipede latch on your brainstem. Can you feel me spinning my silk around your nerve endings? Let me mingle with your synaptic fluid. Fuse with me and let two become one.
How easy is it to hold a thought in your mind? What about two at the same time? What about three or three hundred? What about the brother of my sister's grandmother who died in the war between gods in the mind of a sleeping child?
We're peas in a pod floating down the stream of consciousness, collectively sown by the spiderlike fingers that make up God's mind. God is a child playing in the grass. I know what you think. I know what everyone thinks. I am the Seventh Rung of Unknowing.
There are no differences really. When it all bubbles down to it, I am you and he and she and they and it for we too are the rocks and wind and spray on the sea. We are sunlight glinting on a pool in the mountains. We are the smell of dust lifting off the sidewalk before the rain.
Come with me now and we'll walk into a world of pure imagination. It's a place to grow together, not apart. We can build bridges and burn them together. We can watch the water flow from the mouth of the river into the sea. Jump with me, oh blessed one, into the plunge pool of our collective unconscious.
Let go of control.
If there's one thing I enjoy, it's hanging out and fucking around with you, old friend. We can rip out anywhere we want.
I don't wanna make people feel unwanted. I love people. I love having them around. I learn a lot from how I interact with my fellow human beings. We're all shuddering along together, appalled every day by the things we see, things we do.
You and me both, brother, sister. I have the same emotional palette as you; the same feeling rainbow arches across both of our beating hearts. Feel your heart beating? I can feel mine in my chest like a little boot print again and again in the snow, softly breaking fresh tracks through the moonlit clearing.
Come with me, friend. There's no such thing as foe. Death herself gives sweet release. Walk alongside me; the trail is wide enough to stroll side by side. Why don't you tell me a story? What are things like on the inside of your mind?
I'll tell you, my friend. I will tell you what it feels like to be you. How could I possibly know? Same rainbow, emotional buddy. The feelings driving you forward, the energy forces that tell you you're you beat loud in my brain.
I am I, said the ten billion. I am I said the animals. I am I said the plants. I am I said the rocks. I am I said the wind. I am I said the water. I am I said the wind. I am I said the space in between the dark matter of our souls.