Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Morning, Pages

Since 2015, I've been writing three pages a day of stream-of-consciousness. Essentially, it's a diary, but I call it Morning, Pages because I got the idea from Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way. I never actually got past the first couple chapters but at the start, she recommends starting your day with three pages and I tried it and it stuck.

I added a comma, turning Pages into a person as if saying Good Morning, Mr. Pages. I imagine him to be a kindly older gentleman like Alfred in Batman, a kind of butler, advisor, friend, father figure. It helped me start off as I imagined I was talking to this Pages character.

These three pages have become a meditation, therapy session, historical document, transcript of my life, workshop, play area, drawing board, war room, operating theatre, padded cell, and morgue. They've seen me pass through innumerable iterations of myself, asking questions, poking sleeping truths, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. While they've not brought me to the goal, they've got me a lot closer.

Writing some stream-of-consciousness every day helps me figure out the world and my place in it. I'm so grateful to have found it. It's changed my life for the better. Let's keep finding things like that, shall we?

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